Price List

Our framed fine art prints are made for us by the best in the business.

Our framed fine art prints are both timeless and modern. We print on 310gsm cotton rag, fine art paper using archival pigment inks that will last a lifetime. Our frames are made from sustainable Tasmanian Oak, and are available in 4 hand stained finishes. The slim profile, shadow box frames will make your prints look like they belong in a gallery. All of our frames feature non-reflective glass as standard - because you deserve the best.

Framed fine art prints

Small (30cm x 40cm)


Medium (40cm x 50cm)


Large (50cm x 62.5cm)


Extra large (60cm x 75cm)


Print ready, high resolution digital images.

We get it - your dog is a stunner. There are just too many good ones and you can't make up your mind. Don't fret - we offer extra, fully edited digital images in glorious high resolution. All images purchased also come with web res versions for sharing on social media and with the grandparents.

Digital images

1 Digital image


5 Digital images


All digital images
